Stickney Public Health District (SPHD) is certified as a local health department by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Founded in 1946, the SPHD provides a variety of health prevention treatments and public health services to the residents of Stickney Township.
We are committed to improving and protecting the health of our residents and encourage you to take advantage of our services. These include programs that provide health services to both the youngest and the most senior of Stickney Township’s population. Our in-home nursing program seeks to maintain the independence of elderly citizens while the women, infants and children program targets the nutritional needs of those in the early stages of life. The SPHD also takes a broader role in servicing the environmental and safety concerns of our community.
The administrators of Stickney Public Health District hope this site provides greater access to the services that we offer to the community.
Louis S. Viverito