South Clinic
5635 State Road, Burbank, IL 60459
Please call to make an appointment for services.
North Clinic
6721 W. 40th Street, Burbank, IL 60402
Please call to make an appointment for services.
Please note the following: You must call ahead to make an appointment for services. If you have a fever, respiratory symptoms or had contact with a confirmed Covid-19 case- call first. Do not come directly to a clinic.
After checking in for an appointment, be prepared to wait in your car or outside the building until called.
Everyone, including children older than 2, must wear a mask when entering the building.
Observe social distancing within the building.
A complete vaccine record is necessary in order to schedule a school physical.
If a patient is a minor only a parent or legal guardian will be allowed to accompany the child.
Video visits are now available. Proof of Stickney Township residence will be required.
Please call ahead with any questions or to make appointments. South Clinic 708-424-9200
North Clinic 708-788-9100
Dental & Podiatry Clients: 708-237-8941
Masks and COVID screenings are required in the clinics regardless of vaccination status. Access to the waiting room may be limited by social distancing or medical recommendations.
COVID-19 vaccinations are available! Call to schedule an appointment at (708) 634-4500.
The Stickney Public Health District operates two primary care clinics providing free physician services and Health District programs to township residents.
The role of SPHD clinics is to accommodate the needs of area residents of all ages concerning preventative care and basic health issues aimed at improving overall health care quality.
All clinic sites are staffed with a physician and support staff that is available for all residents, regardless of age, income level or insurance. Services include but are not limited to sick visits, physical exams, screenings for TB, lead levels, cholesterol, diabetes, and hypertension. Free or low cost Immunizations are available for children and adults including influenza. Emergency treatment or long-term critical care issues that require immediate attention cannot be handled for the safety of the client.
The practice of our physicians is to supplement private MD visits and to care for those in need of routine medical services. Clients are prioritized and seen on a medical need of service basis and/or taken on a first-come, first-served basis. We do our best to accommodate all clients in a timely manner.
A number of other health services are also available through the Public Health Nursing Department including: pregnancy testing, communicable disease investigations and follow-up, home health care, lead level case management, school nursing services, vision and hearing screenings.
Residents 18 years of age and older need to obtain a Stickney Township identification card to obtain services. Proof of residency is required to obtain this card. Three forms of identification will be requested with one being a current government issued photo ID. Other examples include current bills or current bank statements. The address needs to match on all forms being used for the proof of residency. Please contact any of the offices or stop by during business hours for more information.
All Stickney Township Residents are eligible to use the resources provided including clinics services. Medicare/Medicaid is accepted. Private insurance? Can’t get in to see your doctor? You are welcome to use the clinic services too!
Downloadable Forms
HIV/STI Screenings Available In cooperation with Howard Brown Health, a free walk-in HIV and STI testing is available at the South Clinic, 5635 State Road, on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 3:30-7PM. More information here. Free At Home Prevention Supplies and HIV/STI Screening More information here or by contacting Howard Brown Health directly at
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The Township provides essential services to the community, including Health Services, WIC program, Behavioral Health, Office on Aging, and Environmental Health, while observing the Illinois Department of Public Health guidelines in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
New guidelines and procedures for these essential services have been set in place and may change the way you receive services.